Anti-Ageing Red Berries – So Beneficial for Health!

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

Red berries are one of the richest sources for antioxidants in the plant world. Antioxidants, amongst numerous health benefits, and anti-aging properties have been shown to help fight viruses! Which is pretty important in 2020!!

Harvard Health notes: “Antioxidants act as a natural “off” switch for free radicals and as a result, can destroy viruses, bacteria, and damaged body cells in an oxidative burst.”

So, take advantage of these natural, anti-aging, red berry immune boosters by mixing them with your daily IMMUNENCE and adding both to your favourite morning smoothie or oats!

I added anti-aging, red berries this morning to my ‘Go-To Daily Smoothie’ which is normally green in colour, but with some seasonal blueberries and raspberries added, it now looks like this (and tastes AMAZING!). 😊

Why not stock up now and freeze your own whilst they are in season? The added benefit of which means you can reduce the pesticide load considerably if you follow the advice below. 

We like no-fuss, quick and easy solutions here at IMMUNENCE, so this is how prep and freeze red berries for minimum toxic load and maximum nutrition: 

  • Buy a selection of seasonal red fruit and berries – select your favourites, but always try to include blueberries, because they pack such a nutritious punch!
  • Buy organic where possible. If not possible, soak your berries in a saltwater solution for around 20 minutes. This helps to remove ‘most’ of the pesticide residue. (Around 1 tablespoon of salt to a litre of water)
  • After 20 minutes, rinse the berries very well under cold water, this helps to remove more pesticide and the taste of salt. 😉
  • Dry the berries well, again I don’t have time to faff around, so I just place them onto a good quantity of kitchen roll and leave for a few hours.
  • Lay them out on a large tray (I use our oven tray – see image) on top of some greaseproof paper (easier to remove them later).
  • You can even layer up, by laying one greaseproof sheet onto another (I froze some basil leaves at the same time)
  • Leave overnight, take out and fold your greaseproof paper longways so that you can ‘pour’ the frozen berries into a freezer bag and you have fresh, seasonal, local antioxidants on tap to add to your IMMUNENCE recipes.
  • Check out our Red Berry Immunence Ice Cream recipe for healthy inspiration! 😉


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1 good sized tablespoon each morning, preferably in a juice or smoothie, or just with water or orange juice. Immune protection builds up over time.


You can see a full list of ingredients here, so check this list for foods you might be allergic to.


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