How to take IMmUNENCE

Level tablespoon = 8 grams of immunence

heaped tablespoon = 13 grams of immunence

How Much IMMUNENCE to take:

If you’re healthy

and just want IMMUNENCE’s health and immune boosting benefits to ‘check off’ your daily nutrient requirements – we recommend at least 1 LEVEL TABLESPOON, once or twice a day. There are 30 level tablespoons in the pack.

If you suffer from chronic pain or digestive issues

We suggest a HEAPED TABLESPOON once or twice a day as required until you notice symptoms improving, then continue with 1 LEVEL TABLESPOON once or twice a day.

If you think you’ve been exposed to potential colds, flu’s, bugs, virus’s or bacteria’s

We strongly recommend taking a prophylactic second measure of Immunence later in the afternoon for 2 to 3 days.

What to take IMMUNENCE with:

Feedback from our IMMUNENCE customers shows some clear winners:

Any non-dairy milk

Choose the sweeter options without added sugar like oat milk and walnut milk for best taste combo, but any non-dairy milk is fine.

Any natural fruit juice

Orange and apple seem to be the favourites because they blend so nicely with the spices like cinnamon and ginger that are in IMMUNENCE.

Add a banana and a kiwi

Add to either the juice or non-dairy milk versions and blend everything together with a hand blender. Makes a delicious creamy ‘milkshake’ and adds a potassium and anti-oxidant punch to your daily IMMUNENCE dose.

Add to your favourite smoothie

This is our favourite way of taking IMMUNENCE every day. It really adds punch to your micronutrient requirements for optimum health.

For other recipe ideas

Check out our RECIPES section and of course, we’d LOVE to hear any recipes you’ve tried and loved with IMMUNENCE!

What NOT to take IMMUNENCE with:

DAIRY PRODUCTS, milk, yogurt, etc

The spices mixed with the lactose might cause heartburn in some people.


Don’t heat your IMMUNENCE up or take with hot drinks or food. Heat affects the enzymes of the whole raw foods in IMMUNENCE and may impede some of the benefits.